CO2/CH4 exchange sorption on carbonaceous matter under circular loading condition
NCN, OPUS 12, 2016/23/B/ST8/00744
Implementing Entity:Strata Mechanics Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences
Project Manager : D.Sc. Eng. Norbert Skoczylas
Amount awarded: 611,500 PLN, Commencement: 2017-10-18, Completion: 2021-10-17
1. Purpose of conducted research / research hypothesis
The purpose of the ongoing work will be to study the course and mechanism of CO2/CH4 exchange sorption in carbon material under circular loading conditions. The planned research will include a number of scientific problems to be solved. Among other things, they will make it possible to thoroughly analyze changes in sorption capacities and volumes (sorption swelling/shrinkage) of a coal sample at different circular pressures for different sorption equilibrium points, as well as to analyze qualitative and quantitative changes in the mechanism of exchange sorption at different circular loads and different pressure gradients. In addition, the effect of the CO2/CH4 exchange sorption process on the coal material under circular loading condition on its structural properties will be determined.
2. Research method / methodology used
The research plan includes main sorption studies, i.e.: analysis of the course of CO2/CH4 exchange sorption processes on a carbon sample, exchange efficiency of sorbed gases, kinetics of exchange zone displacement in the sample under circular loading conditions, sorption swelling, and additional studies of changes formed in the porous structure of the sample. The main sorption studies will be realized using the isobaric-isothermal volumetric method and the flow method while maintaining a constant gas pressure gradient. For these studies, a unique proprietary apparatus will be constructed, which, realizing the individual research objectives, will enable a comprehensive evaluation of the effect of circular loading on the parameters of the carbon-gas system under isothermal and isobaric conditions.
Before and after the main sorption tests, selected carbon samples will be subjected to technical and structural analyses. For additional structural studies, scanning electron microscopy will be used to observe changes in the surface topography of the samples and determine their phase composition. Mercury porosimetry, low-pressure gas adsorption and helium pycnometry will be used to characterize changes in the porous structure of the samples. These methods will allow determination of changes in porosity, pore size and distribution in the samples after exchange sorption tests under load.
3. Impact of expected results on the development of science, civilization, society
The mechanism of sorption processes in coal has been the subject of scientific research for many years. The sorption processes of single gases and their mixtures on coal material are well recognized. Studies of gas sorption on coal material under load have been conducted. An in-depth review of the literature has shown that a topic as yet unrecognized is the issue of CO2/CH4 exchange sorption on coal material under circular loading.
The multitude of dependencies that can be both experimentally observed and quantitatively estimated during sorption processes in the circular loading state of a coal sorbent is a missing link in the broad research of the coal-gas system. Certainly, the proposal to study the exchange sorption of CO2/CH4 under coal circular loading conditions taking into account the factor of time and space is unique. Such research is envisaged in the implementation of the present project. The result of the project will be a detailed description of the relationship: exchange sorption – sorbent circular loading – sorbent swelling.
Research apparatus built as part of the project implementation.
Examples of results recorded during sorption exchange experiments.