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“Reduction of Ventilation Air Methane Emissions in the Coal Mining Transformation Process” (ProVAM)

Source of funding: The European Union’s Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS) and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education  (grant 5734/FBWiS/2024/2).

The task was funded from the state budget under the program called „Projekty Międzynarodowe Współfinansowane”

Task Title:  “Reduction of Ventilation Air Methane Emissions in the Coal Mining Transformation Process”

The value of the funding is 528 678 PLN, with the total value of the project amounting to 1 468 551 PLN.

Task Description: The aim of the project is to achieve progress in the implementation of methane utilization technology emitted by coal mine ventilation shafts through in-situ research, laboratory studies, and modeling conducted by an international consortium of research institutions, industrial partners, and universities.

Contact person: D. Sc. Eng. Jerzy Krawczyk, Associate Professor

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