At the Strata Mechanics Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, scientific and construction work has long been carried out in connection with the use of anemometric sensors to measure gas flows. The subject of the work is two types of sensors: wing sensors and thermoanemometric sensors. The scientific nature of the Institute’s activities promotes the development of many solutions that are unique in the world. The quality of these solutions and verification of them in various environmental conditions were the basis for the implementation of the developed technologies in professional commercial solutions.
The Strata Mechanics Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences is a manufacturer of anemometers designed for work in gas explosion hazard zones, with particular emphasis on the needs of underground mining plants.
In 2008, the Institute established the Measurement Systems Laboratory, which was included in the quality system in accordance with PN-EN 13980:2002. The laboratory specializes in conducting scientific research in the field of mining aerology. Among other things, wing sensors are used to analyze the distribution of velocity fields in mine workings. This is to obtain the information necessary for computer simulation of three-dimensional flows in safety-critical areas of the ventilation network. In its research, the Laboratory also uses thermoanemometric systems developed at the Flow Metrology Laboratory of IMG PAN.
In addition to scientific and research work, the Laboratory’s tasks include the design, manufacture and implementation, in accordance with the guidelines of Directive 94/9/EC, of Group I Category M1 and Group II Category 1 equipment with the highest level of safety, including wing anemometers, new models of anemometric sensors and other sensors and systems for measuring physical parameters of the atmosphere.
The anemometric sensors are subjected to tests in the wind tunnel of the Institute. Maintaining the highest quality of metrological parameters is guaranteed by close cooperation with the accredited in accordance with the standard PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Laboratory for Calibration of the Ventilation Measuring Devices. Each anemometer has a calibration certificate in accordance with European Union regulations.
Contact person: Ph.D. Eng. Janusz Kruczkowski