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Division of Flow Metrology

Research Topics at the Division

The laboratory is specialised in the development of methods for the measurement of environmental parameters (such as temperature, humidity and gas velocity) and their temporal and spatial analysis. Research focuses on improving existing and developing new measurement techniques.

Main Research Areas of the Division

  1. Flow velocity measurement:
    • Development of original flow velocity measurement methods, including techniques for the absolute measurement of gas flow velocity (heat wave method, optical measurement methods).
  1. Thermoanemometry technology:
    • Development of thermoanemometry, including the design of modern constant-temperature systems and hot-wire sensors.
  1. Industrial Applications:
    • Adaptation of measurement tools for industrial applications such as mining, waste disposal, chemical and medical technologies, and ventilation and air-conditioning systems.
  1. State-of-the-art measurement solutions:
    • Use of artificial intelligence and numerical modelling (CFD) in data analysis and development of advanced measurement systems.

This research is important for both research laboratories and practical industrial applications, supporting the advancement of measurement technologies in various fields of science and technology.

Head of the Division

Prof. D.Sc. Eng. Paweł Ligęza
phone: 12 637-62-00 (25)

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