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Editorial Committee:

  • Series editor: Prof. D.Sc. Eng. Wacław Dziurzyński,
  • Editorial secretary: Prof. D.Sc. Eng. Paweł Ligęza,
  • Technical editor: Ba. Jan Palacz.

Index: ISSN 1731-8416.

The library of the Strata Mechanics Research Institute collects books, journals and scientific papers of its employees, mainly related to the subject of the Institute’s activities. There is a possibility of interlibrary loan for a period of 1 month.

Contact the Library of IMG PAN:

M.Sc. Katarzyna Długosz
phone: 12 637-62-00 (35)

The journals and monographs listed on the website can be purchased from the IMG PAN Library (after prior contact).

It is possible to publish a peer-reviewed scientific monograph in the Institute of Rock Mechanics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Level I – 80 points).


Ba. Jan Palacz
phone: 12 637-62-00 (32)

Information for authors:

  • The complete print material should include: title of the paper, editorial review, main text and tables and figures with captions,
  • The work is delivered electronically (Microsoft Word word processor is recommended) and in hard copy,
  • basic assumptions of the texts prepared:
    • paper size: A4,
    • basic text font: Times New Roman,
    • margins, paragraphs, spacing: free,
    • drawings in the following formats: cdr, jpg, tif, bmp or eps, maximum width 134 mm,
    • Black and white illustrations in the text, colour illustrations as a separate insert,
    • font for description on figures: Arial CE of 8-10 pt,
    • mathematical formulas prepared in Math Type (or Microsoft Equation) and placed in the main text.
  • the text of the thesis submitted according to the publisher’s model will be forwarded to the author for authorisation and correction,
  • The editors ensure high quality editing of published works and a short publication cycle.

Counteracting ghostwriting, guest authorship and infringements of scientific ethics and copyrights

In order to counteract the unethical phenomena of ghostwriting (an unnamed co-author of a publication), guest authorship (a co-author has made a negligible contribution to the publication) and violations of scientific ethics and copyright, the editors outline the following principles:

  • the lead author of a publication (the author submitting the publication) is responsible for accurately ascertaining and disclosing the affiliations of all co-authors and their contributions to the work, the role and percentage of ownership of all co-authors, and the ownership of copyright in the material contained in the publication,
  • when submitting a manuscript for publication, the main author of the publication, in agreement with all co-authors, should provide information on the sources of funding of the publication, the contribution to the publication of the various institutions to which the authors are affiliated and the individuals, universities, institutes and other bodies (such as scientific societies, associations and others),
  • the principal author of the publication and the co-authors are responsible for observing the principles of scientific ethics and good morals in their publication and for not infringing the copyright of third parties,
  • dobrym obyczajem zalecanym przez redakcję jest zamieszczenie w publikacji podziękowań dla wszystkich osób i instytucji, które przyczyniły się do powstania pracy,
  • By submitting an article for publication, authors guarantee that they have fulfilled all the above requirements concerning scientific ethics and compliance with the law.

The editors inform that the above-mentioned phenomena of ghostwriting, guest authorship and copyright infringement are unethical and constitute a manifestation of scientific dishonesty, and any detected cases will be disclosed, documented and reported to the relevant institutions and organisations.

Declaration of the original version:

Please be advised that for all publications, whether on paper or online, the original and main version is the paper version.

The Transactions of the Strata Mechanics Research Institute publishes the results of theoretical and experimental research on fluid mechanics, rock mechanics, buildings in the mining areas, stereology, ventilation, metrology, image analysis.

The Transactions are indexed in the: Index Copernicus, BazTech, PBN/POL-Index.

Index: ISSN 1643-1030 (1509-2593 until 2001).

Editorial Committee:

  • Series editor: Prof. D.Sc. Eng. Wacław Dziurzyński,
  • Editorial secretary: Prof. D.Sc. Eng. Paweł Ligęza,
  • Technical editor: Ba. Jan Palacz,
  • Theme editor: Prof. D.Sc. Eng. Paweł Ligęza.

International Scientific Council:

  • Prof. D.Sc. Eng. Wacław Trutwin (Strata Mechanics Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences) – Chairman,
  • Prof. Tadeusz Dobrowiecki (Budapest University of Technology and Economics),
  • Prof. Petr Martinec (Institute of Geonics AS CR),
  • Prof. Bolesław Stasicki (DLR German Aerospace Center),
  • Prof. Andrzej Wala (University of Kentucky),
  • Prof. Eleonora Widzyk-Capehart (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation),
  • Prof. D.Sc. Eng. Wacław Dziurzyński (Strata Mechanics Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences),
  • Prof. D.Sc. Eng. Paweł Ligęza (Strata Mechanics Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences).

Information for authors:

  • complete material for printing should include: title of the work, editorial review, basic text, and tables and drawings with captions,
  • the works are delivered in electronic form (it is recommended to use Microsoft Word text editor) and in paper form,
  • basic assumptions of the prepared texts:
    • paper size: A4,
    • the font of the basic text: Times New Roman,
    • margins, paragraphs and intervals: any,
    • drawings in formats: cdr, jpg, tif, bmp or eps, with a maximum width of 134 mm,
    • black and white drawings in the text, coloured as a separate insert,
    • the font next to the descriptions in the drawings: Arial CE of size 8-10 points,
    • mathematical formulae prepared in Math Type (or Microsoft Equation) and included in the main text.
  • the text of the work submitted according to the template will be forwarded to the author for authorization and correction,
  • the editorial office ensures high quality of edited works and a short publishing cycle.

Review form and criteria for assessing articles – PDF file to download

Counteracting the phenomena of ghostwriting, guest authorship and violations of scientific ethics and copyrights

In order to counteract unethical phenomena of ghostwriting (not mentioned co-author of the publication), guest authorship (co-author has made a negligible contribution to the publication) and violations of scientific ethics and copyrights, the editorial staff presents the following rules:

  • the principal author of the publication (the author submitting the publication) is responsible for the fair determination and disclosure of the affiliation of all co-authors and their contribution to the work, the role and percentage share of all co-authors and the ownership of the copyright in the materials contained in the publication,
  • when submitting a paper for publication, the principal author of the publication, in consultation with all co-authors, should provide information on the sources of funding of the publication, the contribution to the creation of publications of individual institutions to which the authors are affiliated, and persons, universities, institutes and other entities (such as scientific societies, associations and others),
  • the principal author of the publication and the co-authors are responsible for the observance of scientific ethics and good manners in their publication, as well as for not infringing the copyrights of third parties,
  • it is a good practice to include in the publication thanks to all persons and institutions that have contributed to the work,
  • the submission of an article for publication is tantamount to ensuring that authors meet all the above requirements concerning scientific ethics and legal compliance.

The editorial staff informs that the above mentioned phenomena of ghostwriting, guest authorship and copyright infringement are unethical and constitute a manifestation of scientific unreliability, and any detected cases will be disclosed, documented and reported to relevant institutions and organizations.

Declaration of the original version:

It is hereby informed that for all publications, whether published on paper or online, the original and main version is the paper version.

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