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IMG PAN became a member of the Solution Mining Research Institute

Instytut Mechaniki Górotworu Polskiej Akademii Nauk joined the international association Solution Mining Research Institute (SMRI), bringing together representatives of the mining industry (over 150 partners from around the world). SMRI is a research and development organization that deals with a wide spectrum of issues related to the process of extraction and production of water-soluble minerals and the storage of natural gas, oil, other hydrocarbons or chemicals in caverns resulting from engineering work.

In group C of SMRI members (assigned to, among others, research institutes) there are representatives of IMG PAN in the following persons:

  • Prof. Anton Sroka,
  • Assoc. Prof. Krzysztof Tajduś, prof. IMG PAN,
  • PhD Eng. Rafał Misa,
  • MSc Mateusz Dudek.

More information about the association can be found on the official SMRI website.

The Fall 2019 SMRI Technical Conference „Mechanical Integrity Testing (MIT) and Techniques in Gas and Liquids Storage Caverns” will be held in Berlin on September 22-25.

During the conference there will be a lecture „A Quantitative Description of Horizontal Ground Deformations in the EPE Cavern Field by Using „SubCav” Software Calculation” by Prof. Anton Sroka, PhD Eng. Rafał Misa in cooperation with an industry partner representing SGW, Mr. Stefan Meyer. Information about the conference is available on the website Fall 2019 SMRI Technical Conference.

The next edition of Fall SMRI Technical Conference will be held in 2020 in Kraków.

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