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IMG PAN participates in the Polska Wystawa Gospodarcza


Strata Mechanics Research Institute of Polish Academy of Science was selected in a competition for a group of Exhibitors who will present their best products at the Polska Wystawa Gospodarcza. The exhibition will open in the fourth quarter of 2019 on the grounds of PGE Narodowy.

It is an initiative of the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland aimed at popularizing the achievements of the best Polish enterprises and their contribution to the Polish economy.

The Institute with its product „System for gas hazard analysis in the underground mine ventilation network” was submitted by the Górnośląska Izba Przemysłowo-Handlowa.

The VentGraph-Plus computer program system is used to simulate the ventilation process of mine ventilation network in normal and emergency conditions, to support the work of ventilation engineers, researchers and rescuers. It is distinguished by animated graphics for imaging time-varying underground fire processes and the propagation of hazardous gases. The basis for modeling are modules for creating databases of ventilation systems and drawing a spatial network diagram, which is the basis for the graphic presentation of results. The quality of the model is verified by comparing the calculations with the data from measurements on real objects.

Numerical simulation of dangerous phenomena such as underground fire or methane inflow in the amount of thousands of cubic meters, followed by its migration along the mine ventilation excavations, allows to check the quality of ventilation and, more importantly, take measures to minimize the risk before an accident occurs. Predicting changes in gas concentrations in the event of a failure or catastrophe in a mine, due to the dynamism of the phenomena is a serious problem. However, this problem can be solved by using numerical simulation describing the functioning of the entire mine ventilation system consisting of excavations, nodes and ventilation equipment.

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